Little Flower school Dibrugarh was opened in answer to the educational request of the people..
Little Flower Hr.Sec.School, Assam we have various departments like Primary School,Middle School,High School..
This calendar will define the daily activities of our school and help the student to keep track and act..
The purpose of an association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare..
The head of the Salesian Family gave the theme for the year 2020 as – “Good human beings and upright citizens”. I strongly believe, if parents and teaching fraternity join together in this endeavour in helping the children, we will be blessed with upright citizens serving the best interests of our society.
‘Every child is potentially the light of the world'
A child's spirit is nurtured by an inspiring school environment. The future of humanity rests upon what kind of environment is provided within the four walls of a school. Therefore, values are inculcated through all activities of the school, by their integration in all subjects and through carefully implemented programmes. Respect for all religions is given importance in the formation of children in our educational environment.
God bless us!