House System

House System

All the extra curricular activities of the school are organized by Group and House system. There are four Houses each having its own colour, patron and motto and are guided by appointed moderators.

House Patron Motto
Red Don Bosco Hearts to love. Hands to cure.
Blue Laura Vicuna A song of joy to all.
Green Mary Mazzarello Enlighten the world with love & Knowledge
Yellow Mother Mary Generous service

House system governs the activities of the Middle School and High School.

Houses are chosen by the students themselves in accordance with their inclinations and talents, thus giving them the maximum opportunity to develop themselves.

Different inter- house competitions encourage each House to work harder and aim higher everyday. The House system also teaches the students to work as a team and to develop their hidden talents.

Each House is headed by the Captain and the Vice-Captain. The democratic system helps to bring out the best of the girls and trains them in leadership. It teaches them to excel in what they do. At the end of each year, trophies are presented to the best House and the best class for sports, academics and discipline.